It's about time I write this post.. I have been meaning to blog about this for three months now, so without further ado... Stephen's Birthday! Little Stephen is now three years old. David, Victoria, and Jessica have all also had birthday since December so I figured I would combine all of the details into one post! Mary's birthday is also in just a couple of days, so all of this news is pretty exciting.
Sadly, I didn't take as many pictures of the birthdays as I had originally anticipated, so this post won't be as great as I was planning it to be. However I still love all of these little munchkins and there is no other place I'd rather have them then in my family, so I am still dedicating these words to them, if that is the least I can do.
Stephen is a little shining light in our family. He always finds a way to make us laugh. In all honesty,
some most of the children in nursery used to be afraid him. He would take their toys and give them evil glares during class-- all with non harmful intention of course. He has been doing so much better, though, and has found new ways to have fun without scaring his friends. He really is a sweetheart. Not to mention, he is a little child prodigy. I am not even exaggerating when I tell you we have a little computer genius on our hands. He knows how to find and play his preferred shows on Netflix, he can pick and choose games to play on PBS and Nickelodeon, and he can surprisingly beat me at matching games. I'm not going to lie, I am pretty impressed. His many facial expressions are his main way to communicate with each of us. Today, he insisted on eating raw biscuit dough, and when we gave it to him he couldn't stop laughing and smiling. His happiness really does bring so much joy to each of our lives.

There is never a dull moment when David is around. He is such a jokester, and always knows how to have fun. It's always really nice to have him around, because he never stops smiling and finding the good in life. David did something that really impressed me the other day. So David has a friend at school that he's known for a while, but is not in the same class anymore, and hasn't really hung out with him for a while either. The other day this boy (we will call Kevin) was getting picked on by another student at school (we will call Bill). All of Kevin's good friends stood around and watched as Kevin was getting bullied by Bill. David watched across the field in recess as Bill wrestled Kevin to the ground and began to fight him. I was so happy to hear that David ran all the way over to help his friend, pulled Bill off of Kevin (easily might I add, all that wrestling and football payed off) and casually told Bill to "grow up." This story is just one of the many inspiring stories that David has, and I'm so proud to be able to call him my brother. I don't know what I would do without him in my life.

Victoria is such a special girl. She is a very social person, so she always loves to have a friend over. It's kind of fun to see her interact with other girls her age because she is so creative in finding new fun games to play, and is so loving to each and every person she is with. Her hyper and bouncy personality is always nice to have around. She is currently doing basketball, and though I haven't been able to watch her play yet, I've heard that she's really talented! She is such a sporty girl, and has done a variety of sports, from softball, to cheerleading, to dance, etc etc. I'm interested to see what she ends up choosing as her main passion! Oh I also have to add that she is amazing at styling her hair. Every day she comes up with a new way to style it... I think she's even better than me now. I'm so glad to have this fun girl in my life, and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Jessica is so talented at everything she does. Some of the artwork that she has drawn the past couple of months has put me in awe, and might I say she has an amazing ability in doing nail art. Her creativeness is seemingly unending. She also has a crazy sense of humor that is always great to have around. The other day I was playing an online game called WOW with her that she loves to play with Maren, only to discover that she is famous on the server she plays on. No joke. Every player knew her as a "legend" because she wins at so many events, is filthy rich, and super strong in the game. Jessica never ceases to "wow" me with whatever she does. I have no doubt that she can do ANYTHING once she puts her mind to it. She is such a blessing to all of our lives.

Mary is such a precious doll. This sweetheart always brings a nice mood to our home, and isn't afraid to comfort someone when they are down. She doesn't have to say a word; every single action she does shows so much love which is why we all LOVE her so incredibly much. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. Just today she was laying on my lap for an hour playing her leapfrog while I was playing on my phone, but simply having her there was so special to me, don't ask me why. I always love having her around me regardless of what she is doing. Whenever someone is sad, she is there in the blink of an eye. This little angel has been such a sweet blessing to my life and i love her to death.