Senior Class President aka Varsity Cheer team head captain. That's right, you're looking at the girl with the titles. Even though I feel the same as before, through all of the dedication in cheer leading and hard working in stunting and coming up with stunt sequences/ simply being responsible I tried out for and made head captain of the cheer team!

And through lots of campaigning, poster-making, cookie-baking, and just smiling and asking people everyday to vote I was also elected as senior class president! Although I know it will be a huge job, I'm excited to plan fun events such as a senior skip day and approved event ideas. I'm also open to new ideas if any of you have any suggestions at all whatsoever! Luckily my young women's leader was also senior class president so she has many fun ideas that she's helping brainstorm!
My friend who I ran with and I both won with over 50% of the votes (I ran against 4 people so that's a good sign...) and so I'm also excited to keep in touch with her through the years in planning the reunions! Its a good excuse. My only fear is giving the speech at graduation, but I have a year to think about that so I'm not too worried. Yet.
Anyways, I'm very very excited about both of these things and have been so blessed to not only have so much support from my friends and family, but also have heavenly father on my side to help guide me to make the right decisions and be an influence/ leader in others lives.